Nov 1, 2008


I can say im very proud of myself... hehehe... well this my latest invention (invention??)... thx to Sara San for asking me to the assg... btw this is my 1st attemp using gradient mesh... not to say dat i nvr knew bout it just that i nvr tried to do anything with it... coz actually i nvr knew the purpose of the bloody tool... ahahaha...

Took me quite sumtimes to finish it (not realy finish compare to the real pic - im not that patient n eager enuff to do all the small2 details ler) but WoW!! there u hav it!! i dun wanna say perfect but it good enuff for me as an amatuer... Ill let my nose bulk up for a while... ya laa nak arapkan org len puji mmg tak dapat laa kan... so puji diri sendri sudah... to hell with all that other ppl wanna say... like i care... aahahhahaha...

umm... thinking of the word "like i care" a lot of ppl sez im being egoistic... do i? am i being egoistic to b myself? at least thats wat i think i am now... but then i can see a lot of ppl being unease with me being myself... y??

I had my time giving my head to others... n its sux even tho i din realy care... now i stop to that n then im called this... EGO!!... not blaming them as i used to giv them heads... do as they like to see... so then thx! i would rather b hated then get my head steppen on anymore... Selfish? who cares!

1 comment:

Perempuan Petak said...

Heheh.. Thanks sayam!

Semoga saya lulus.

saya janji satu hari nanti saya akan belanja sayam tau! cumanya sekarang ni masa ngak mengizinkan sangat !

looooong sigh!